“A Most Noble Quest” is a short story published in the collection Low-Key Calamities in 2023. Alex attempts to find the limits of Lorelei’s appreciation of consensual porn.
“It’s silly. Really silly. Also smutty, but sillier than smutty.”[1]
“A Most Noble Quest” contains profanity, lingerie, angry essay writing, feminism, lust, consumption of alcohol, interrupted foreplay, explicit expletives, a casual disregard for traditional Western family values, resentful internal monologues, and analysis of adult film.
Alex had noted Lorelei’s interest in consensual porn, and wondered if there are any limits to it. They made a wager that Alex could find a porn movie that is too cringe for Lorelei.
Lorelei demonstrated great familiarity with the porn industry through the challenge.
Locations & organizations[]
“A Most Noble Quest” is set in December, between Natural Consequences and Personal Demons. It likely lasts at least two weeks given the eleven entries mentioned, and might overlap with “More Than Friends”.
The original Patreon publication was set to begin in early October instead.
Eight Is Not Enough: A Stepmother Oct-travaganza parallels Alex’s number of sexual partners at this time: Lorelei, Audrey, Taylor, Onyx, Jocelyn, Rachel, Victoria the realtor,[2] and Molly. Cindy the maid is not counted here, since she was Lorelei in disguise.[3]
European Unions IV: Takin’ It in the Brexit was “creative, athletic, and has the veneer of illicit fun in public”. Compare Alex, Rachel, and Lorelei at the Emerald City Halloween Ball, Rachel and Lorelei on the top of the Space Needle,[4] or Rachel and Alex on the utility easement.[5]
The “creepy place” in Lynnwood might be inspired by a real store.[6]
There are several pop culture references in the story. A notable one is Yo-Ga-Oh! and the summoning of competing minions, which is a reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.
Publication history[]
“A Most Noble Quest” was first published on Elliott Kay’s Patreon on January 31, 2023. It was re-published in Low-Key Calamities on February 21, 2023.
- ↑ Story Post: A Most Noble Quest (GI), Elliott Kay’s Patreon, January 31, 2023.
- ↑ Natural Consequences, chapter 4
- ↑ Natural Consequences, chapter 1
- ↑ Personal Demons, chapter 13
- ↑ “Amends”
- ↑ Comment on Elliott Kay’s Patreon, February 3, 2023