Welcome to the Elliott Kay Wiki!
Warning This wiki contains spoilers, character biographies, documentation of the books and stories by Elliott Kay, fan-made content, discussions, possibly content by you, attempts at spoiler-avoiding prose and structures, lists, metadata, timelines, massed tags, misuse of the Mediawiki category system, ads, possibly inappropriate ads, references to adult websites, analysis of adult literature, analysis of plots, detailed plot summaries, skimpy plot summaries, excessive theorization, quotations, references, English as a second language, a marked lack of images, and various explanations of fandom and pop-culture references.
News and updates
- A sneak peek of Grand Theft Sorcery has been posted to Elliott Kay’s Patreon! The book is with the editor and the cover is in production. (September 16, 2024)
- “Altered Plans” has been posted to Elliott Kay’s Patreon! (September 6, 2024)
- A rather large typographical update, focusing on body text width and lists. (September 1, 2024)
- Great Power and No Responsibilities is available as an ebook on Amazon! (June 28, 2024)
- News archive