“Justice” is a short story published in Habitual Heroes in 2021. The crew, and especially War Cloud, gets to navigate a very tricky situation involving prisoners and justice.
“Justice” contains lies, breaking and entering, abusive leadership, betrayal, conspiracy, corruption, social engineering, home invasion, ordinary jerks, bearers of false witness, and orc civics lessons.
A group of novice adventurers had been taken prisoners by the group of orcs they attempted to raid. War Cloud had to explore the situation and its causes, and even more find justice for all.
- Avany, a human and adventurer
- Kerim, a human wizard and adventurer
- Isodirun, his mentor (mentioned only)
- His mother (mentioned only)
- Butreth, a dwarven bard and adventurer
- Hemdil, a half-elven archer and adventurer
- The Crew (Wandering Monsters)
- Yokto, Speaker for the orcs
- Various orcs
- Baron Lionel (mentioned only)
- King Dostin (mentioned only)
- Kam, an orc guard (mentioned only)
- Donto, an orc guard (killed, mentioned only)
- Vaino, a barbarian and adventurer (killed)
Locations & organizations[]
- Lightbrook Barony, north of the mountains
- An orc settlement
Publication history[]
The story was originally published under the title “Monster Justice” on Elliott Kay’s Patreon on December 31, 2020. It was slightly edited and re-published in Habitual Heroes in December 2021.